Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer Red bull color No: 3D005 |
FLY EAGLE JET 3D Trainer a Rudder |
Flyeaglejet 3D Trainer two Rudder with vector nozzles list price $1,788 usd | |
Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer two Rudder video:Play1 Play2 | |
Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer two Rudder smoke system with vector nozzle: Play | |
The model will come with:
Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer two Rudder Thunder Bird color No: 3D004 | |
Red/White/Yellow color No: 3D001 | |
Light Blue/White color No: 3D002 | |
Blue Camo color
3D003 |
Thunder Bird color No: 3D004 | |
Red bull color No: 3D005 | |
Option: 1. External tank (can add fuel or smoke fuel around 0.8 kg) |