Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer Red bull color  No: 3D005

FLY EAGLE JET 3D Trainer a Rudder

Flyeaglejet 3D Trainer two Rudder with vector nozzles list price $1,788 usd
Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer two Rudder video:Play1  Play2
Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer two Rudder smoke system with vector nozzle: Play
The model will come with:
  1. complete landing gear with retracts, legs and wheels
  2. 2 fuel tanks ( around 4.75kg fuel)
  3. Air kits (including air tanks, lines, T-fitting, fill valve)
  4. Gear door set
  5. Hardware set
  6. Vector nozzle with mounted system
  7. Transparent canopy
  8. Water transfer printed decals.
Flyeaglejet ARF 3D Trainer two Rudder Thunder Bird color  No: 3D004

 Red/White/Yellow color No: 3D001

 Light Blue/White color No: 3D002

 Blue Camo color No: 3D003


Thunder Bird color  No: 3D004
Red bull color  No: 3D005

Length: 85" (2150 mm)
Wingspan: 62" (1590mm)
Try Weight: 25bs (kg)
Power: 16 kg (36bs)thrust
Radio: min.8 Servos required
Ailerons & Elevator



1. External tank (can add fuel or smoke fuel around 0.8 kg)